I looked back at the last post to see how long it'd been since I'd posted, and, seeing the date September 18, I thought something like "Huh, well it's only the 1st so it's been less than a month since I remembered to attend to this. Not bad." Then I remembered that there's a whole month between September and November and it's called October. So, that's how things are going in the time department.
The writing department has been...it's hazy to remember. A good part of September was taken up with a health issue that prevented me from writing much due to intense brain fog. For a while after, I think I mostly made progress on my plot outline -- I am now outlining book 3, though I'm currently hung up on what one character should be doing while some of the more obvious stuff goes on. I finished another short story draft, and somewhere in there I spontaneously produced my first ever bit of flash fiction that I keep forgetting to edit. Then I edited another short story and put a happier ending on it. Now I just have to decide which ending to gamble on when I send it to magazines.
The actually big thing that's about to be going on is that I've decided to participate in NaNoWriMo. I do have the outlines ready after all, so I might as well try to bang out the worst draft ever in attempt to get something happening in my brain. That being said, depending on how things go, I might let it be a two month thing, for a multitude of reasons.
I honestly don't know why they chose November to be The Month, since it's basically the worst month ever, at least in the US and the northern hemisphere, especially this year, between the end of daylight savings and the election. Those are definitely two extenuating circumstances, especially the daylight savings issue because I have SAD, which instantly gets about 10 times worse when the clocks jump back. Maybe I can use writing and a world of fantasy to coast through the hours of dread-panic when the sun sets.
Also, between fibromyalgia and my mental disorder(s), I have entire days where I basically have the computing power of the potato and also other days where if I try too hard I run the risk of literally attacking myself before I even know what's happening. I guess the pain isn't an issue so much any more. I have to spend my life alternating between sitting and standing because both hurt, but I have a standing desk so that helps. I've also gotten good at ignoring it, and being on Low Dose Naltrexone has helped, along with not busting my ass in hot kitchen serving bacon to Texans.
Well, it's already getting quite late and I am finally recovered from the intense overstimulation of a busy day. Tomorrow (or technically today), It Begins. Wish me luck, imaginary readers!
And, for the sake of making my blog pretty, here's a random doodle as portrayed by my super high quality phone camera: